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Chip numbers starting with 804

nr name cat description manufacturer
804 MAX804S mpuchk 3V uP Supervisory Circuit with Reset High with 2.91V Reset Threshold Maxim*
804 MAX804T mpuchk 3V uP Supervisory Circuit with Reset High with 3.06V Reset Threshold Maxim*
804 TSC804 adc 12 bit ADC 30 CPS 8-ch Tel
8040 8040 ~ pinout
8040 HI-8040 display CMOS* High Voltage Display Driver Holt IC
8040 MSM80C40 Oki
8040 R8040 telecom T-1 Tri-Port Memory Rockwell*
8040 TDA8040 QPSK demodulator Philips
8041 AD8041 amp* 160 MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifier with Disable, data AD
8041 TDA8041 QPSK control Philips
8041 i8041 periph 8-Bit UPI*/MCU, 8041-Card, 804x-Card Intel*
80410 mcu,i2c 8-Bit MCU, (=8051+) I2C, Family Philips
80410 80410 mcu,i2c 8-Bit MCU, (=8051+) I2C Philips
80410 80CL410 mcu MCU (=8051+) 128*8 RAM, 64Kx*8 ROM, Low Voltage, More INTs i2c-UART, DIP40 Philips
80410 80CL410 mcu,i2c 128*8 RAM 2 timers 4 ports 12 MHz I2C, 10 ext Ints, 1.5V Philips
80410 P80CL410 mcu 8-bit CMOS* MCU DIL40 Philips
8042 AD8042 amp* 150 MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifier, data AD
8042 i8042 periph 8-Bit UPI*/MCU, Keyboard controller in the PC-AT+, 8041-Card, 804x-Card Intel*
8043 DAC8043 dac,spi DAC, 12-bit single-channel multiplying BB
8043 DAC8043 12-bit serial input D/A converter, pinout Analog Devices
8043 DAC8043 dac 12-Bit Serial Input Multiplying CMOS* D/A Converter, data AD
8044 mcu MCS-51 MCU with the Bitbus protocol on-chip
8044 8044 mcu MCU (=8051+) 192*8 RAM, 64Kx*8 ROM, RUPI Serial, DIP40 Intel
8044 AD8044 amp* Quad* 150 MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifier, data AD
8044 i8044 ? RUPI Intel
8045 HI-8045 display CMOS* High Voltage Display Driver Holt IC
8045 TDA8045 QAM-64 demodulator Philips
80451 80C451 mcu 128*8 RAM 2 timers c) ports 12,16 MHz Communicationregister P6 Philips
80451 80C451 mcu HMOS MCU 128*8 RAM Intel
80451 80C451 mcu MCU (=8051+) 128*8 RAM, 64Kx*8 ROM, 7 Ports, 1 Handshake, 68-pin Philips
80451 SC80C451 mcu 8-bit CMOS* MCU Philips
80452 80C452 mcu 256*8 RAM 2 timers 5 ports 16 MHz 128 Byte FIFO* Slave Intel
80452 80C452 mcu HMOS MCU 256*8 RAM Intel
8046 COM8046 clock Single baud-rate generator SMC
8047 AD8047 amp* 250 MHz, General Purpose Voltage Feedback Op Amps, data AD
8048 mcu 8-Bit MCU with ROM, Family Intel*, NEC, UMC
8048 8048 ~ pinout
8048 AD8048 amp* 250 MHz, General Purpose Voltage Feedback Op Amps, data AD
8048 ICL8048 converter log converter Intersil
8048 i8048 mcu MCU 64 RAM, Family Intel $1.20
80486 mpu 32-Bit MPU (=80386+), Family Intel*
8049 8049 mcu 8-Bit MCU 128 RAM ROM (=8048), Family Intel*, NEC, UMC
8049 8049 ~ pinout
80496 8049H6 mcu Processor order from Barend

Other sites where you can search on chip number Very good! Registration is needed in advance. Will be closed spring 2002. Registration is needed before you can download datasheets. Chips can sometimes be ordered via Arrow/Avnet. In Japanese only.

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When you're the webmaster/database manager of an IC* manufacturer and you'd like to get your IC*'s listed on sites like these (including the ICMaster) but don't want to deal with all sites separately, a couple of us are trying to set up a system whereby the IC* manufacturers just put a comma seperated value's (.csv) file on their site with all of their data and we all read that regurarly and work the data into our databases of chips. Please visit for more details. One of the manufacturers already cooperating is ON Semiconductor (formerly part of Motorola).

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