Chip Directory

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Company registration form

This is a form for entering information about a company that you want to have listed in the Chipdir.


What page to put it on:
The page you came from (you can edit this)
It helps a lot when this is the page you want the company to be listed on!
What does the company mainly do with chips?
Please select the company's main activity. When in doubt please describe in the comment field at the end. When you think the company should be listed in several categories please explain in the comment field.
For inclusion in the ChipDir:
Company Name Abbreviation (as the customers use)
Full company name (of the semiconductor department)
Street (and building etc.)
City, state, zip code etc. as usual in your country
Please enter all telephone numbers like: +1-234-5678901
Telephone 1
Telephone 2 - purpose
Fax number 1
Fax number 2 - purpose
Email address 1
Email address 2 - purpose
Email address 3 - purpose
WWW site - General
WWW site - About the company
WWW site - Company news
WWW site - Technical news
WWW site - Technical data
WWW site - Search engine
WWW site - Distributors/reps
WWW site - Order databooks/sheets
WWW site - Order CD-ROM's
FTP site
Company description, products, specialism or whatever else you think is relevant
Your email address
Your name
Do you speak on behalf of the company?
Comment(s) for the editor
Please send this directly to me by separate email when it should be read immediately.

Thanks for your input!

Your information will almost certainly be included in the next version of the Chipdir.

Ad for PCI video capturing boards by Dektec.
Goto: Main Mirror About Author
Register: Yourself Company
Feedback: Correction Addition Question
Order: Chips (Deutsch) Chips (English) Chips (Nederlands)


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